Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Ps4 Controller For Pubg Pc

I plug my ps4 controller in, choose a configuration someone has made on steam, and half of the buttons dont work when i press them for example i'll choose the configuration "pubg ps4 controls" by zombie htler on steam, one of the first configurations to come up for pubg, and i can't crouch with the button that says i can crouch with. Ps4 controller for pubg pc. The playstation 4's dualshock 4 controller is the best pc controller it's well-made, feels great in your hands, and offers superb feedback where it matters most, especially in the analogue sticks.

ps4 controller for pubg pc

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Ive been playing pubg pc with a controller since october a few solo chicken dinners and all recoil is manageable with the controller but not unless you dedicate yourself to mastering the wild recoil can it please be considered to have the controller connection to pubg pc to have t. Ps4 video guide map erangel miramar sanhok vikendi pc. pc xbox one ps4 video guide weapon primary weapon 1 playerunknown’s battlegrounds and pubg are registered trademarks, trademarks or service marks of pubg twitter; instagram; discord.

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